How to Have a Sexy Outdoor Shower
Photo by Chase Wilson via Unsplash.
Fun fact: it's National Shower Together Day, so we wanted to drop a few tips for having outdoor showers with a partner that are good for both people and the environment:
Decide how private you'd like it to be.
This will drastically determine both where you want your shower to be, as well as how it's designed. Consider your shower partner's comfort levels too so you both can feel safe and comfortable in your outdoors shower. Not sure how they feel about it? Ask them!
Use what you have.
A standard hose or a bucket might be all you have on hand, and that's okay! There are lots of simple DIY options for outdoor shower systems online and many likely won't require you to buy anything new.
Consider if/how you'll stay warm.
Seasons, weather, and even a passing cloud can all make an outdoor shower potentially chilly! Warming water on a stove top or in the sun beforehand will make things a little cozier, as well as placing your shower in the sun if possible. Also, pro tip: avoid the wind if you can, even if it's sunny out. Trust us on this one.
Plan your drainage and soap situation.
Showering in a contained area (like a large bucket or a kiddie pool) or where there is already established, public drainage that flows to a treatment facility is best. Use biodegradable soaps if you're showering anywhere outdoors, and in general it's best to avoid getting too much of any kind of soaps into natural water systems.
Allow yourself to enjoy your post-shower experience.
So, you have this nice outdoor shower— great! But what about the prospect of running around in the cold afterward? Not as sexy. Make things easier on yourself by bringing a towel and any shoes you can put back on easily after the fact. It’ll not only feel so much better on your nervous system but will also help you dry off without getting your feet overly muddy or sandy immediately following your rinse.
Create an outdoor-inspired shower inside!
If a shower outdoors isn't accessible to you right now, you can also bring the outdoors *inside* by adding plants or essential oils to any shower you might already have access to! You can also play some nature sounds and open a window if that's available to you. You never know-- it might just spark a new ritual!
What else would you add to these tips? Let us know in the comments and we hope you get to celebrate National Shower Together Day with a Sex Outside twist!